Hi Members,
We had another busy OPSCHAT call this week, along with our new quiz!
You can watch the full replay on your Member’s Dashboard.
Here’s what we talked about:
- USA – Fuel prices are on the up. We talked about why, and what this means for ops. The CDC mask mandate – they extended it, and then stopped it. We try and make sense of things.
- Europe – There are some big aviation events coming up. Aero 2022 and EBACE. Get your parking spots booked soon!
- Peru – There was a major ATC strike last week. For now it’s back to ops normal, but keep an eye on contingency procedures – you may need them.
- Pacific – More Russian rocket firings on April 27. A slightly confusing picture, but basically two possible spots where the debris could fall, the PACOTS aren’t affected.
- Bermuda – It will be downgrading its RFF until July. Does anyone have info on when this becomes an issue?
Unsolved Mysteries
The EASA Environmental Portal. Yep. Still a bit of a mystery. Should you hear back when you’ve submitted your info? Share your ordeal registering if it can help others.
MMEL to MEL – Has the UK changed the rule since leaving EASA? If you’re operating somewhere with an MMEL, have your LOA (O95) with all your Ms and Os in order and you should be ok.
New Mysteries
GMMX/Marrakech – has anyone been recently?
Recovery documentation after catching Covid – how can I get back to the US?
Congrats to this week’s winner! We have a whole load of new prizes to choose from (we promise they’re cool!). Tune in next week for the next OPSQUIZ.
As always, the team is here to help with any operational support, info or questions. You can reach us on news@ops.group, or via the slack channels #flightops and #questions.
To watch the replay of the OPSCHAT in full: head over to the dashboard. We hold a new one every week on Tuesdays at 2000z, click here to register and join us live. See you next week!
More on the topic:
- More: OPS CHAT – every Tuesday!
- More: OPSCHAT Summary 15 MAR
- More: OPSCHAT Summary 08 MAR
More reading:
- Latest: EASA Safety Bulletin on SAF risks
- Latest: Greece Winter Runway Closures
- Latest: Paging FAA License Holders Abroad: You’ll Need A US Address Soon
- Safe Airspace: Risk Database
- Weekly Ops Bulletin: Subscribe
- Membership plans: Why join OPSGROUP?