Hi members,
I don’t know if you’re one of the many returning to international ops this summer, but quite a few of the group are.
The last 18 months have seen quite a lot of changes for international ops. If you’re just jumping back into the cockpit after a prolonged absence, it would be good to know about them – right?
We thought the best way to communicate that summary was in a game!
So we made Covid Catchup. It’s easy to play: follow the boxes, read a little, and then answer some quiz questions to see how you rate.
It’s in PDF form so you can download it, print it out, or play it on your iPad (and feel free to share with you friends that might not be group members).
How to get the game?
We’re dropping it into OPSGROUP Slack this evening. Just go to the #crewroom channel and you’ll see it there.
If you’d prefer to get the game by email instead, we can do that – just send a note to ops.team@ops.group.
Enjoy the game and let us know how you do! We’re pretty confident that if you do well on it, you’ll be up to speed on all the big changes since January 2020.
The O.G. Team.
How to play
1. Get the full game in OPSGROUP Slack
2. Print it out, or open the PDF on your iPad
3. Each box has a little nugget of operational change. if you don’t know about it, click the link for the full article. The date is when the change happened.
4. Answer the questions
5. Finally, check your answers and see what points you got for each correct one (all are different!)
Don’t forget to share you how did! You can humble-brag your high score claims in the #crewroom channel 😊
More on the topic:
- More: Member Meetup – NAT Special: Nov 6, 1500 UTC
- More: Member Meetup: July 3rd – Agenda
- More: Report-A-Thing is a new thing to report stuff
- More: We Want Your Ops Stories!
- More: International Ops Bulletin
More reading:
- Latest: DC False Alerts: Could TCAS Be Vulnerable to Cyber Attack?
- Latest: France Hates Planes – it’s official
- Latest: New York Southbound: FAA Suggested Routes to Spring Break
- Safe Airspace: Risk Database
- Weekly Ops Bulletin: Subscribe
- Membership plans: Why join OPSGROUP?