So, last week we told you that Iraqi Airspace was about to re-open to international overflights. It still is, though the bit where it was going to happen this week is no longer true.
The FAA were about to hit ‘publish’ on a Notam this past Monday, which would have enabled US airlines to start overflying Iraq again. The text of this Notam included:
- An amendment to the existing Iraq restriction
- An authorisation for US airlines and operators to overfly Iraq at or above FL260
But then, a military operation by Iraqi forces to take control of Kirkuk from the Kurds the same day, created concern as to overflight safety. Kirkuk sits pretty much underneath the UM860 airway on the map below.
So for now, do nothing and wait. It seems the situation is de-escalating, and we expect now that the Notam may be issued as early as next week.
Once that happens, we’d expect other countries to follow suit and allow overflights in the same way, meaning that these two airways will become busy again.
Keep an eye out, we’ll let you know.
See also:
- 12 October 2017, “Iraq Airspace to re-open for overflights“
More on the topic:
- More: FAA warning issued, further serious navigation failures reported
- More: Flights misled over position, navigation failure follows
- More: Turkey, Syria and Iraq: Airspace Risk
- More: Iraq Airspace Risk For Overflights
- More: Iraq Overflights: A Recent Report
More reading:
- Latest: Belgium airspace closed due to nationwide strike
- Latest: France Hates Planes – it’s official
- Latest: Santorini Shaking: State of Emergency In Effect
- Safe Airspace: Risk Database
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