EGGX/Shanwick When PBCS is implemented in the NAT HLA on Mar 29, we previously thought you would need to be compliant if you wanted to operate on any of the daily tracks between FL350-390. But in fact, there will only be a maximum of three daily PBCS-mandated tracks to start with. These will likely be the same tracks as we currently see being assigned as ‘half-tracks’ each day. Full details here.
VOTV/Trivandrum Shortage of parking bays expected until mid-May. All non-scheduled flights intending to park overnight need to make sure they get permission at least 24hrs in advance from the airport authority.
MRLB/Liberia Overnight stay for General aviation not allowed from Feb 15-17, and again Mar 21-22.
HLLM/Mitiga Yet another closure on Feb 13 related to ongoing clashes between local militia. This time, reports say a mortar shell fell near the airport, and the ATC tower was evacuated, forcing flights to divert to HLMS/Misrata. The airport has since reopened, but our advice remains the same: avoid. More info here.
WIZZ/Indonesia You now need ADS-B in Indonesian airspace (WIIF/Jakarta and WAAF/Udang Pandang FIR’s) if you want to fly above FL290.
MBPV/Providencales The airport will be closed for a full scale emergency exercise on Feb 26 between 01-04z. Only emergency diverts accepted during those times.
VCZZ/Sri Lanka PBCS is also being introduced in Sri Lankan airspace too. So from Mar 29 onwards, reduced longitudinal separation minima of 50NM may be applied for RNP10-approved aircraft on ATS routes which either log on to CPDLC or are within VHF radio range as the primary means of communication. For everyone else, it’ll be 80NM (or 10 minutes).
EGKK/Gatwick It’s been temporarily removed from the Notams, but expect it to re-appear soon… the main runway (08R/26L) will be closed every night from 2230-0600z until the end of Feb. During that time, the northern runway (08L/26R) will be open – the one that normally gets used as a taxiway. There’s no ILS on this runway, so approaches must be DME/RNAV.
BGZZ/Greenland The BGGL/Sondrestrom FIR is changing its name to the ‘Nuuk’ FIR, effective Mar 1. So “Nuuk Information” is the new identification/radio callsign for the aeronautical station serving the Flight Information Centre in Greenland (whereas “Nuuk AFIS” will still get you through to the aerodrome flight information service at BGGH/Nuuk Airport).
VTBS/Bangkok Worsening air pollution in Bangkok and surrounding areas over the past week means levels are now considered ‘unsafe’ – according to criteria set by the World Health Organisation. There’s no significant rainfall forecast until next week, so not much chance of the situation improving until then.
VICG/Chandigarh Airport will be completely closed until Feb 26, to allow for work to be completed extending the runway from 9000ft to 10200ft.
YZZZ/Australia RNP10 is supported in Australia, although RNP4 is preferred. Now they’re introducing RNP2 for en-route and RNP1 for terminal operations. It’s not mandatory for foreign operators, but if you want to benefit from these routes and procedures (and can’t get RNP1/RNP2 approvals from your country of registry), you can notify CASA of your intent to use RNAV1/RNAV2 instead. To do that, email them at and ask for Form 0667.
FKKD/Doula Their fuel hydrant is broken, so priority for refuelling is being given to scheduled ops. It’s not expected to be fixed until May, so expect delays until then.
DGAA/Accra Lots of building work going on at the airport at the moment. Until Mar 12, the stands are now only available for aircraft doing quick turnarounds. For longer stays you can still park-up on remote stands, but maximum ground time is now 3 days without special approval from the airport authorities.
LGKO/Kos Major overhaul of the airport has begun. The runway will have a reduced LDA of 1200m until Mar 3, and will then be closed completely from Mar 3-19.
WAZZ/Indonesia Bali’s Mount Agung erupted again on Feb 13, just one day after authorities lowered the alert status for volcano. Ash cloud reported in the vicinity, but only up to FL150. This latest eruption caused no disruption at either WADD/Bali or WADL/Lombok airports, which have remained open since Dec 1, when volcanic ash emissions from Mount Agung reduced.
KBZN/Yellowstone A correction to the info in weeks Bulletin (as spotted by an Opsgroup member!) – although the main runway (12/30) will be closed for maintenance each day from Apr 30 to May 19 between 1230-2300 local time (1830-0500z), the next longest runway (11/29) will still be open throughout – and at 5050ft that should be long enough for most corporate aircraft.
More on the topic:
- More: EASA Safety Bulletin on SAF risks
- More: Greece Winter Runway Closures
- More: Paging FAA License Holders Abroad: You’ll Need A US Address Soon
- More: Belgium airspace closed due to nationwide strike
- More: France Hates Planes – it’s official
More reading:
- Latest: EASA Safety Bulletin on SAF risks
- Latest: Greece Winter Runway Closures
- Latest: Paging FAA License Holders Abroad: You’ll Need A US Address Soon
- Safe Airspace: Risk Database
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