RJZZ/Japan The frequency of North Korean missile launches that end with a splashdown in the Fukuoka FIR is of concern. Last weekend, one such missile came close to civil traffic, and this is not the first such event. We are preparing a summary for operators, and would request wider reader input on this. Has your operation/airline/authority made any changes recently to operations in the western portion of the Fukuoka FIR in Japan? Talk to us at bulletin@fsbureau.org.
BGSF/Sondrestrom For NAT Ops on Sunday August 27th, note that BSGF/Sondrestrom will be closed to all traffic, as they are upgrading infrastructure. Sundays in Greenland see most airports closed in any case, but the option of paying $1000 or so to have them open for you is normally there. On this date, BGSF won’t be, which may affect your diversion options. They do say that if there’s an emergency, call them on +299 52 42 27 to determine availability.
RJZZ/Japan As of 1800 local time (0900 UTC) on August 3, Typhoon Noru was located approximately 350nm east-northeast of Kadena Air Force Base, Japan, and was moving in a northwesterly direction at a speed of approximately 8 knots. At that point, Noru was posting maximum sustained winds of 80 knots with gusts up to 105 knots. Noru is expected to make landfall after 48 hours in southern Japan. Southern parts of South Korea, including the port city of Busan, will also likely experience torrential rainfall, which could trigger flooding and landslides.
LFLL/Lyon has some fuel supply issues ongoing, advising tankering where possible.
FAZZ/South Africa The U.S. Mission to South Africa advises travellers to exercise caution when arranging ground transportation from OR Tambo International Airport in Johannesburg to hotels, guest houses, and residences. Numerous U.S. citizens and other travellers have been robbed at gun point while traveling from the Airport to their place of lodging in what are known as ‘follow home’ robberies. In some instances, U.S. citizens have been injured or shot at during these robberies.
RPLL/Manila Increasing levels of reports of laser lights within 10nm of the airport. [more in Aireport]
ZYHB/Taiping No overnight parking for Business or General Aviation due to parking until 30SEP. [more in Aireport]
SPIM/Lima Volcano eruptions from Mount Sabancaya continue to create airspace warnings up to FL250.
FOOL/Libreville Will be closed overnight 2300-0900Z until August 12th. [more in Aireport]
LIZZ/Italy Baggage handlers at Milan’s Malpensa Airport (LIMC/MXP) and Linate Airport (LIML/LIN) staged a last-minute strike on August 1. The handlers apparently warned the airport operator the day prior, although airport officials claim they did not know ahead of time. The strike caused significant delays for passengers.
UMMS/Minsk, Belarus Will be closed for runway maintenance at various times overnight until the end of August.
LGGG/Athens FIR Strike action planned for Air Traffic Safety Personnel (ATSEP) until 05Aug. Emergency frequencies will remain uninterrupted, although the authorities advise caution as “problems to systems may arise affecting communication, navigation and surveillance (CNS) services” during this period. Probably not too much effect.
LTBA/Istanbul Ataturk The airport is balancing “Supply and Demand.” Here’s the rundown:
– New seasonal charter and cargo flights to land will not be accepted.
– Technical landings and diversions will not be accepted (unless you’re stationed there).
– Business flights are allowed, as long as the hourly flight limits haven’t been exceeded.
– Flights for MX are allowed to LTBA, but you’ll need to get your slot well in advance.
– Make sure you have a valid slot, they’ll reject your plan if not.
– If you have a permit prior to 24JUL, you’ll be accepted. [more in Aireport]
EETN/Tallinn PPR required for all parking needs over 3 hours. Get in contact at ad.apron.control@tll.aero until the end of August. [more in Aireport]
KZZZ/United States The TSA has announced that travelers will be required to separate more electronic devices from their carry-on baggage when passing through security screening points at U.S. airports. Currently, travelers are only required to take out laptop computers from their carry-on luggage for separate screening; under the new regulations, all devices larger than a mobile phone — including tablets and e-readers — will need to be placed in their own bins to be screened separately. The regulations are already in effect as part of a pilot program at 10 U.S. airports and are expected to be rolled out to facilities across the country in the coming months. The enhanced measures will not affect travelers who are enrolled in pre-check security programs.
FOZZ/Gabon New phone numbers for ANAC- +241 1 44 56 54, and +241 1 44 56 58.
ZKZZ/North Korea On August 2, the U.S. Department of State issued a Travel Alert for North Korea, which reads in part as follows: “The Secretary of State published a Notice on Wednesday, August 2, 2017 that will restrict the use of U.S. passports to travel into, in, or through North Korea/the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea (DPRK), effective Friday, September 1, 2017. The Secretary has authorized the restriction due to the serious and mounting risk of arrest and long-term detention of U.S. citizens under North Korea’s system of law enforcement. Persons who wish to travel to North Korea on a U.S. passport must obtain a special passport validation under 22 C.F.R. 51.64, and such validations will be granted only under very limited circumstances. The Department of State will publish information on how to apply for a passport with a special validation on travel.state.gov when OMB approval is effective. Persons currently in North Korea on a U.S. passport should depart North Korea before the travel restriction enters into effect on Friday, September 1, 2017”
EISN/Shannon FIR The introduction of direct routings in the lower FIR was planned for 14SEP but has been delayed to 12OCT (maybe longer).
YZZZ/Australia Security procedures at Australian airports have been tightened, with pictures of huge lineups in the media. This follows a foiled attack plot last week. Sydney is the largest delay location.
More on the topic:
- More: DC False Alerts: Could TCAS Be Vulnerable to Cyber Attack?
- More: France Hates Planes – it’s official
- More: New York Southbound: FAA Suggested Routes to Spring Break
- More: Datalink in Europe: What Are The Rules?
- More: EASA Safety Bulletin on SAF risks
More reading:
- Latest: DC False Alerts: Could TCAS Be Vulnerable to Cyber Attack?
- Latest: France Hates Planes – it’s official
- Latest: New York Southbound: FAA Suggested Routes to Spring Break
- Safe Airspace: Risk Database
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