If you’re amongst the many international aircraft operators stung by the lengthy and document-heavy process to obtain an Australian Transport Security Program approval, good news has reached OPSGROUP HQ – there is a new TSP-Lite version that you can apply for.
The Dept. of Home Affairs has created what they call a “Secretary-Issued TSP … a new simplified way for operators who meet certain criteria to apply for a TSP”. They tell us “This application is much shorter than the standard TSP application”.
Do you qualify for the new TSP-Lite?
Yes, if you can answer YES to all of these questions (the first two are the big ones):
- Your flights are private or charter operations and not operated on a fixed schedule or route; and
- You do not have temporary or permanent operational facilities in Australia; and
- You do not allow passengers or aircraft operator staff to enter the landside security zone (sterile area) of a security controlled airport; and
- You do not allow passengers or aircraft operator staff to mix with other passengers of prescribed air services in airside areas; and
- You do not transport persons in custody.
The Dept also told us that “Under our legislation there is still the same maximum decision making time for a Secretary-Issued TSP, however in practice, the intent is that we will be able to review and approve these applications much faster.”
Crack open a slab of VB! This is great news. Now, this has just started up, so it remains to be seen how it works in practice.
For more on how to apply for a normal TSP, the new TSP-lite, and to trade intel with other operators, jump into the TSP Victim Support Group in the Members Dashboard, login below.
More on the topic:
- More: TIBA in Australia: What’s Going On?
- More: Airport Fire Fighter Strike in Australia
- More: Ops Down Under: Borders Opening Up
- More: Major runway works in Sydney
- More: The Lowdown on AUSOTS: Australian Flex Tracks
More reading:
- Latest: Belgium airspace closed due to nationwide strike
- Latest: France Hates Planes – it’s official
- Latest: Santorini Shaking: State of Emergency In Effect
- Safe Airspace: Risk Database
- Weekly Ops Bulletin: Subscribe
- Membership plans: Why join OPSGROUP?