Midweek Briefing 20JUL: Manila Runway Damage, Africa Hajj Routes Take Effect

By Cynthia Claros


Runway damage at Manila 20JUL The main runway at RPLL/Manila, RWY 06/24, was closed on Monday 18JUL after heavy rain caused large chunks of asphalt to disintegrate. Read the article.

Africa Hajj routes take effect Starting tomorrow, the Africa Hajj routes for 2016 will take effect in the Algiers, Accra, Brazzaville, Dakar, Kano, Khartoum, N’Djamena, Niamey, Roberts, and Tripoli FIR’sRead the article.

LTZZ/Turkey The FAA has cancelled KICZ Notam A0015/16, thereby lifting all the restrictions that were put in place on Friday night last. There are now no restrictions on US operators or FAA licensed crews operating to Turkey. Read full article

LIZZ/Italy The Italian ATC Strike that we’ve been listing for the last few weeks is now confirmed for Saturday 23JUL. The times vary a little for each unit – AIS and MET are out for the day, 0800-1600Z, other units are similar but some are just 1100-1500Z. As with previous strikes, overflights are unaffected, as are international arrivals. Some international departures are approved for exemption. If you are planning a flight to Italy on Saturday, expect some disruption, and check with handler/local airport in advance for specific situation for your flight.

GUZZ/Guinea has updated contact information for overflight and landing permit requests through the Air Navigation Agency (ANA) of Guinea. Primary email is now ana-dg@ana-guinee.com, and we suggest to copy diante223@yahoo.fr. Telephone is +224 622 68 44 52

LBPD/Plovdiv has fuel issues. If you need a large uplift, contact them in advance to confirm availability: operations@plovdivairport.com, or SITA PDVAPXH.

VTBB/Bangkok have an agreement with the Singapore ATFMU/Flow management unit. If operating BKK-SIN on a Saturday, then you’ll get a CTOT and must contact Bangkok ground/clearance 20 mins in advance to confirm you can make it.


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Cynthia Claros

Cynthia Claros

Cynthia is a Flight Service Specialist with OPSGROUP.

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