Post Maria Airport and Airspace status:
Updated October 25, 2017 1800Z
- MYMM/Mayaguana: Open and operating
- MYSM/ San Salvador: Open and operating
Turks & Caicos
MBPV/Providenciales: Open and operating
- MBGT/Grand Turk: Open and operating
Dominican Republic
- All Airports Open and operating
Puerto Rico
TJZS all aircraft should use caution when operating within the interior or near the Island due to numerous low flying rotary wing aircraft. For additional operation information click here.
- TJSJ/San Juan: Open and operating. Airport continues to be under massive strain and Humanitarian flights are still top priority. The VHF frequencies and radar are working but intermittent. CPDLC unavailable. Fuel is available. Operators must make contact with Aerostar or handler for gate allocation. Slots now only required if you’re using the contingency ramp there. Call MFOC at 001-850-283-5994 all other flights file FPL normal. Overnight parking is available.
- TJIG/Isla Grande: Open and operating from 0600-1900. Customs open 0800-1730. Frequency 121.7 for advisory. Tower is operational. Overnight parking available.
- TJBQ/Aguadilla: Military and Relief flights only. Tower is open and operating. Limited water, electricity, and internet. For services phone contact has been more successful due to internet complications.
- TJPS/Ponce: Military and Hurricane relief and Air Carriers with PPR.
- TJRV/Ceiba: Military, Hurricane relief, and GA flights only. Sunrise to Sunset only due to airport lighting down. VFR only no ATC or Tower. Fuel available. No heavy equipment available to offload supplies. Military flights are required 48HR PPR contact: 805-326-9041.
- TJVQ/Vieques: Open and operating. Sunrise to Sunset only due to airport lighting down. Internet not available.
For more information on operating into Puerto Rico
For Ops reports in Puerto Rico
U.S. Virgin Islands
TISX/St.Croix: Open and operating. A contingency ramp has been established for FEMA/DOD flights they require Slot reservation contact MFOCC at 1-850-282-0236. All aircraft should contact Longhorn Ops on 251.9 or 139.9 (+/-20min) before landing to arrange parking and fueling. Normal ATC procedures. Customs available.
- TIST/St.Thomas: Open and operating. Airport hours are 0900-1800 local time. Customs available 0800-1600LT. Equipment available for Cargo offload. Fuel available. Fema permit NOT required. Tower and unicom frequency is 118.8. Limited coverage from SJU Center. ATIS, navaids, ILS, runway lights – all out of service. For services contact St.Thomas Jet Center (email is best as phones are intermittent Contact Roy Romney: 340-690-5076/ or Terri Thomas: 340-626-5270 for immediate questions.
Include the following when requesting services:
Company name
Tail #
Make and model of aircraft
Date of arrival/departure
Local time ETA/ETD
Number of crew and pax both in and out
Method of payment - TIST have island curfew 1900-0800 still in place
For more information on operating into TIST/STT
British Virgin Islands
- TUPJ/Beef Island-Tortola: Open and operating 1130-2100z, but VFR only. Fuel available, limited internet, and electrical power. The perimeter fence was badly damaged by hurricane Irma, so the airport is no longer secured. No overnight parking. Only Property owners, residents and citizens are allowed in the territory at this time. ATS services reduced to 5nm radius of the airport. Flights will need to get PPR here: or via email:
- TUPA/Anegada: Airport closed.
- TUPW/Virgin Gorda: Airport closed.
Sint Maartin
- TNCM/Princess Juliana: Open and Operating 0700L-Sunset (due to no lighting). Fuel is available. File FLP from point of origin due to com difficulties. Equipment to offload cargo is fine, Menzies in charge of the cargo loader. Main Frequency 118.7. ATC is operational (1100Z-Sunset daily). 3 fire vehicles active at the airport, fire CAT 9. Hotel rooms are difficult to find but handler can help arrange.
St. Kitts & Nevis
- TKPK/Basseterre: Open and operating
- TKPN/Nevis Island: Open and operating
- TAPA/Antigua: Open and operating.
- TQPF/The Valley: Open and Operating. Open from 1100Z to Sunset only. PPR required. Call sign Anguilla Radio on 118.500 25NM out. Fuel is available, Internet, Water and Electrical in terminal. ATC not available contact: 1-264-476-9642 or 1-264-476-5655. Comms with weather and traffic only. Call Aeronautical station for slot reservations (arrival and departure) 1-264-497-1646 and 1-264-584-5397
- TFFR/Pointe-a-Pitre: Open and operating
Serious damage. Homes and trees flattened. Recovery efforts are currently being coordinated from the nearby islands of St Lucia and Antigua.
TDPD/Roseau: Open and operating with limitations. Hours Sunrise – Sunset. Electricity is via standby generator. Water supply is limited and JetA1 fuel is available only. Comms 118.9 standby radio is working and Fire CAT5. Ground handling available on request. Customs, Immigration, and agriculture officers present. Perimeter fence is limited to 60%.
TDCF/Canefield: Open and operating on a limited basis. Largest aircraft that can operate there is a Twin Otter. Only handheld ATC from offsite location, tower was heavily damaged. Difficult to contact as most communications are still down. Most utilizing Helicopters and St.Lucia is being used as a staging airport.
- TTCP: Open and operating normally
- TTPP: Open and operating normally
More on the topic:
- More: Caribbean: File Your Flight Plans Early!
- More: PIREPs of the Caribbean
- More: What we’re seein’ in the Caribbean
- More: Eruption in the Caribbean: The La Soufrière Volcano
- More: Call for volunteers from OPSGROUP: We need flight ops people
More reading:
- Latest: EASA Safety Bulletin on SAF risks
- Latest: Greece Winter Runway Closures
- Latest: Paging FAA License Holders Abroad: You’ll Need A US Address Soon
- Safe Airspace: Risk Database
- Weekly Ops Bulletin: Subscribe
- Membership plans: Why join OPSGROUP?