Flying over the Himalayas can be tough. It’s a challenging place and there are a lot of things to think about. Big things – like the big mountains under you. Chilly things that can send shivers down your spine – like the chilly weather. Or things that might just trip you up – like converting meters to feet.
So we decided to make a handy guide for you, filled with things to think about if you are heading over the Himalayas for the first time, or for the first time in a long time.
What is the Purpa-se of the guide?
To provide some handy info to help you on your way. It is just a guide though. Don’t use it to replace your company ops manuals, AIPs or anything else. Do use it to refresh yourself on stuff you might want to know about before you go.
(And if you don’t get the Purpa pun then check out page 5.)
We also wrote a related post a while ago.
We called it ‘The Hills have Ice’ which we found amusing. This guide expands on some of the things we put in there.
What will you find inside?
Things to think about like what your safe altitudes might be, how to plan for a depressurisation, what airports are available or weather to watch out for…
We also threw in some contacts, calculations, cold weather considerations, airspace info, comms advice and a couple more witty puns for good measure.
It won’t help you move mountains…
But maybe it will help you move over them more smoothly.
Download the Guide
Opsgroup members can download the guide as a PDF direct from the dashboard here, or click on the image:
If you want to become a member of Opsgroup, click here.
Our little disclaimer: This really is just to provide some handy insights into what you might want to study up on more. Your operator will have their own procedures, official calculations etc and this is not to replace them, more to remind you that you might want to take another look at them.
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- Safe Airspace: Risk Database
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- Membership plans: Why join OPSGROUP?