A different map: Winter Storm

By Mark Zee


Apart from the routine Flight Operations that we support at the Flight Service Bureau, we spend a fair bit of time building new things.  Much of time, those things involve maps, and so we keep our eyes out for new ideas … and we especially liked this graphic presentation of US Winter Storm Jonas at the end of January 2016.

We took the original and slowed it down a little, but what you’ll see here is forecast data from NOAA’s High Resolution Rapid Refresh Model to animate the storm’s arrival in the Mid-Atlantic. The map shows water equivalent accumulated snow depth, or WEASD, which we can think of as the volume of water contained in the snow on the ground.



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Mark Zee

Mark Zee

Founder of OPSGROUP, and a former airline pilot, ATCO and flight dispatcher. Based in Christchurch, New Zealand. Email me at mark.zee@ops.group.

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