LFMM/Marseille weekend ATC strike June 30 to July 2 – CANCELLED

By David Mumford


Another French ATC strike has been announced for the LFMM/Marseille ACC, spanning the entire weekend June 30 – July 2. The strike will run from 0430z on Saturday 30th June to 0430z on Monday 2nd July.

Key points:

– It’s just the the controllers of the LFMM/Marseille ACC en-route airspace above FL145 who are on strike. Big delays expected for any flights trying to overfly the sector during the strike.

– Just like the previous LFMM/Marseille ACC strikes, they expect a lot of controllers will join this one. We fully expect the warning will be the same as before: “minimum service expected for the whole period” – that means that as little as 50% of FPL’s will get accepted.

– Eurocontrol are currently busy writing their Mitigation Plan, which will include recommended routes for flights to airports within the LFMM/Marseille sector during the strike, but it will be based on the info found here: http://dsnado.canalblog.com/

– Algeria and Tunisia are both expected to open-up their airspace for re-routes.

Each French ATC strike is different, but there are some things that are pretty much the same every time. For everything you need to know in order to survive, read our article!


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