FHSH/ St. Helena – Local Traffic Regulations

By Declan Selleck




  1. St Helena is strictly PPR. Contact the Aerodrome Administration.
  2. Compliance with local aerodrome requirements is mandatory.
  3. St Helena is a remote location and classified as a Category C aerodrome. Prior to flight operations, all required members of the flight crew must have received specific training with respect to operations into Category C airports, including the effect of adverse weather conditions, severe turbulence and recovery from windshear conditions.
  4. Aircraft operators wishing to use St Helena must take all reasonable measures to ensure crew and aircraft are adequately prepared before planning to fly to the aerodrome, especially the potential for the need to divert.
  5. Specific approval from the aircraft operator’s regulator for flights to Category C airports must be in force.
  6. A Category C airport briefing for St Helena must be given prior to every flight.
  7. In addition to routine MET information/reporting operators’ attention is drawn to the following:

i. Wind generally from the south-easterly direction throughout the year. However, in the locality of the RWY 20 threshold the wind strength and direction can vary rapidly and by great magnitude;

  1. Strong wind warnings will be issued when wind at any point of the aerodrome is forecast to have a two minute mean speed of 20 KT or greater, and/or wind gusts equal or greater than 28 KT;
  2. Wind Shear warnings will be issued for approaches onto RWY 02 and/or RWY 20 when the two minute mean speed indicated by the touchdown anemometer is forecast to reach a two minute mean speed of 20 KT or greater, and/or the vector difference between the two minute mean surface wind and wind 2000’ above the aerodrome exceeds 40 KT, and/or a THUNDERSTORM or HEAVY SHOWER is within 10 KM of the aerodrome:
  3. For landing on RWY 20 a windshear warning will be issued when wind velocities in excess of a two minute mean wind speed value 20kt gusting 35kt are observed;
  4. On downwind and final approach to RWY 20 the control tower will provide two minute mean wind values from the northern anemometer tower.
  1. Attention should be paid to the WIND DIRECTION indicators located on the West side of the runway, near each touch-down area. These will reflect unexpected and rapid wind changes. Occasionally, they may indicate wind from opposite directions to the velocity provided;
  2. When landing on Runway 20 “SEVERE” wind shear and/or turbulence may be experienced below 400 feet above the Runway threshold. Onset is quick with maximum intensity immediate;
  3. Strong down- or up- draughts are to be expected near the threshold of Runway 20;
  4. When landing on Runway 02 “WEAK” to “MODERATE” wind shear / turbulence may beexperienced on final approach.
  5. Wind Information on downwind and final approach, based on two minutes mean windvalues on final approach and touch down. Instantaneous wind read out, crosswind and

    tailwind components will be provided at pilot’s request;

  6. A service message will be promulgated whenever winds exceed 15 knots;
  7. It is recommended that first time operators carry out an approach in a low drag configuration to assess the weather and windshear conditions on Final Approach to Runway 20 prior to a landing approach;
  8. Where feasible, operators should assess the implications of landing with a tailwind component on runway 02 in the event that conditions on approach to runway 20 are too severe for landing;
  9. The preferred take-off runway is 20.
  10. Operators must obtain a meteorological forecast for the flight prior to take off and,where possible, a briefing from the MET forecaster based at the airport.
  1. Long-term or overnight aircraft may require relocation on the apron if scheduled movements are due on the following day.
  2. Isolated parking for aircraft with Unlawful Interference is on the taxiway.
  3. Pilots are advised to manoeuvre with extreme care when taxiing to the take-off point for Runway 02/20 due to the use of the extended starter strip for the runway, and proximity to the cliff edge.
  4. Pilots should be aware of a daily Radiosonde launch from the MET Station at Bottom Woods (approximately 2nm north-west of the aerodrome). The launch is carried out at 11:15 UTC.
  5. Caution – cliff dwelling bird activity in the vicinity of the aerodrome.
  1. The wearing of high visibility clothing by all employed on the apron including flight crew and attendants is mandatory and is to be fastened up. It is the responsibility of the aircraft captain to ensure passengers are escorted by aircrew or ground staff at all times when on foot in external areas of the aerodrome.
  2. Diversion Procedure – Operators are required to have made arrangements for ground handlingpriortoarrival.Nothinginthisprocedureshallhowever,preventanaircraft thathas declared an emergency from landing.
  3. It is a requirement that every airline using St Helena must have local orders compatible with St HelenaAirportEmergencyPlan.Aviationoperatorsshouldalsonotethatitis theirresponsibility to recover disabled aircraft and aircraft wreckage. They must have appropriate arrangements in place, and confirmed in writing to St Helena Airport, before commencing flying operations into the aerodrome. St Helena Airport will act as coordinating body throughout the recovery operationandhasonlylimitedequipment whichmaybeusedtoassistintherecoveryof aircraft.
  4. Care should be exercised due to the proximity of other aircraft when manoeuvring.
  5. RWY 20 is the preferential runway.DEPARTURE CLEARANCE PROCEDURES
  6. No SID/STARS, ATC clearance subject Traffic

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Declan Selleck

Declan Selleck

Declan is a Flight Service Specialist with OPSGROUP.

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