The implementation day for Australia switching off Navaids remains the same: 26MAY2016, but the GPS requirements are relaxed – a little – especially for foreign private operators.
If you’re Australia based:
- You’ll have seen this coming and will already be RNP1/2 compliant. CASA has no exceptions.
If you’re a Foreign Operator and have RNP1/2:
- After 26MAY2016, if you’re RNP1/2 compliant, put it in the Flight Plan (read on), and that’s about it.
If you’re a Foreign Operator and you don’t have RNP1/2:
- Australia has a Two Year Transition for Foreign Operators after 26MAY
- An “Acceptable Means of Compliance” is contained in CASA EX06/16
- Notify CASA in advance using Form “Notification to operate aircraft on RNP 2 routes and/or RNP 1 procedures using GNSS based RNAV 1 & RNAV 2”
- If you are a non-commercial operator – ie. operating a Private flight, then compliance is not mandatory. According to CASA, through a release to IBAC, “Only commercial operators that can comply with the requirements and want RNP 1 and RNP 2 traffic services are required to apply for an exemption. “
Flight Planning:
- If you have RNP2 – put GRZ in Field 10a and NAV/RNP2 in Field 18.
- If you don’t, then you must operate according to Australia’s “Acceptable Means of Compliance” and put RMK/CASA RNP AMC in Field 18.
- If you don’t, and you’re a private operator, probably worth a RMK/NEG RNP PVT FLT or similar.
- Keep an eye on the charts – a bunch of new 5 letter waypoints are coming, to replace the VOR’s and NDB’s being switched off.
More on the topic:
- More: TIBA in Australia: What’s Going On?
- More: Airport Fire Fighter Strike in Australia
- More: Alphabet Soup: FAA New Flight Planning Codes
- More: Ops Down Under: Borders Opening Up
- More: Major runway works in Sydney
More reading:
- Latest: EASA Safety Bulletin on SAF risks
- Latest: Greece Winter Runway Closures
- Latest: Paging FAA License Holders Abroad: You’ll Need A US Address Soon
- Safe Airspace: Risk Database
- Weekly Ops Bulletin: Subscribe
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