Europe ATC Strikes Jan 20: Two separate unions have called for strikes on 29JAN and 30JAN. ATCEUC has called for strike action in response to dissatisfaction with new Performance Requirements for ATCO’s, with an action day on 29JAN. The ETF (European Transport Federation) has called for a strike on 30JAN. Many countries are affected, see below for details.
Italy 29th Jan: Union CILA/AV called strike from 1200-1600 UTC. 30th Jan: Unions FILT-CGIL/FIT-CISL/UILT-UIL called strike from 1400-1415 UTC. Very low impact. France The main ATCOs Union (SNCTA) has planned a 5 days strike from 27th Jan (1700 UTC) until 31st Jan (0500 UTC). Negotiations with the French authorities are ongoing. Regardless of the outcome of negotiations, DSNA expects that ETF strike on the 30th is (likely) heavily followed. Germany ATCOs Union are also planning to participate to the action on the 30th for a short period. Portugal Portuguese ATCO Union (SINCTA) called for a strike on 29th January between 0700-0900 and 1400-1600 UTC. Slovakia ATCO Union has announced participation to the strike on 30th January for 2 hours, anytime between 1000-1400 UTC. Hungary Two hour strike on the 30th between 0800-1600 UTC is planned.
HKNA/Nairobi ACC Upgrading Area Control VHF service, with many frequencies out of service including 121.3, 125.3 and 118.5 – operators advised to use HF instead until 30JAN.
LSxx/Switzerland World Economic Forum in Davos 20JAN-26JAN. Various Airspace restrictions, route closures, and restrictions; see Swiss AIP Sup 01/14.
MROC/San Jose Runway will be closed from 0900-1000 on 06FEB.
EPWW/Warsaw ACC Significant restrictions in place for the next few months due to new system. Overall Enroute capacity reduction of 35% continues.
HTxx/Tanzania Two ICAO Code changes: Dar Es Salaam, previously HTDA – ICAO has changed to HTJN. Zanzibar, previously HTZA – ICAO has changed to HTAK.
UTAx/Turkmenistan ACC New requirement to contact Turkmenistan ATC minimum 150km (75nm) from the FIR boundary for all flights entering Ashgabat, Turkmenbashi, Turkmenabat ACC Airspace.
HLLL/Tripoli FIR All international traffic transiting through the HLLLFIR is still subject to operations on a set of mandatory northbound / southbound routes as per NOTAM A0860/13 which is applicable until the end of February 2014. Operators are advised to apply the IATA In Flight Broadcast Procedure while in the HLLL FIR. A new international airport, HLGD/Sirte is now available for International Flights H24.
China Due to the Chinese New Year Celebrations, all regulatory offices will be closed from 31JAN until 06FEB. During this time, permits and air traffic rights requirements will not be processed. Ensure that applications for this period, or the week after, are submitted well in advance.
URSS/Sochi Starting from 20JAN, including period of XXII Winter Olympic Games and XI Winter Paralympic Games 2014, airlines are obliged to send the passenger manifest with exact Name, Surname, Passport number and series, or other ID, Ticket number, 24 hours prior to departure and no less then 4 hours prior to departure – passenger manifest changes, when operating to Sochi International airport (IATA code-AER). Information should be sent to the following e-mails:, See NOTAM A3075, A4018.
LFMN/Nice Changes to procedures for crew members. Previously crew members could enter and leave Nice without passport control; systematic controls will now take place when arriving and departing LFMN (from/to NON Schengen countries). Passport controls for passengers entering and departing LFMN will remain as always (from/to NON Schengen countries). A complete manifest for passengers will now be required for all departures to Schengen countries to be filed by the Immigration Authorities.
Bolivia The permitting process for Bolivia is becoming stricter, with delays in issuing permits more common than before. Both landing and overflight permits are required for operations to or overflying Bolivia for private non-revenue and charter (non-scheduled commercial) operations. Permits are processed by Bolivia’s Direccion General de Aeronautica Civil (DGAC) during normal operating hours: Monday-Friday, 0830-1630 local. Documentation requirements are the same for private non-revenue and charter flights.
India Crews operating Ferry Flights and General Aviation crews can once again secure visas or TLP’s (Temporary Landing Permits) on arrival into Indian airports. In addition, Indian missions and posts abroad have been authorized to grant business visas to crew of private non-revenue and charter flights within three days of the visa application. These visas will be endorsed on their national passport and not on the crew member certificate. These visa processing times also do not apply to crew who are nationals of a PRC country. Visas for these crew members could take as many as 30 days.
Russia New requirements for API and PNR data for Airlines operating both scheduled and non-scheduled flights in effect 01DEC. API data should be transmitted 15 mins prior departure to SITA MOWRU8X. NOTAM A2345/13 and AIC 04/13.
More on the topic:
- More: Paging FAA License Holders Abroad: You’ll Need A US Address Soon
- More: Belgium airspace closed due to nationwide strike
- More: France Hates Planes – it’s official
- More: Santorini Shaking: State of Emergency In Effect
- More: NAT Changes 2025: No More Blue Spruce Routes
More reading:
- Latest: Paging FAA License Holders Abroad: You’ll Need A US Address Soon
- Latest: Belgium airspace closed due to nationwide strike
- Latest: France Hates Planes – it’s official
- Safe Airspace: Risk Database
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