GPS Spoofing WorkGroup 2024



GPS Spoofing WorkGroup 2024
  • A GPS Spoofing WorkGroup will run for one month from July 17
  • We will collaborate and discuss all issues, and produce a report for the community
  • Open to all industry participants: Register below

GPS Spoofing is starting to get out of hand. At first, very few aircraft were being affected – now, it’s hundreds every day. Today we learned of a second fake location over the Black Sea. We are starting to get used to ignoring EGPWS warnings, that we once ALWAYS followed. Navigation is degraded, EICAS messages are confusing, clarity on GPS systems and how they actually work is missing. A single, full slice of the Swiss Cheese has been removed. It’s likely we are heading for an accident directly caused by this issue.

This is why we are organizing a GPS Spoofing WorkGroup, starting end of next week. Our aim is to collaborate with as many experts, OEM’s, operators, flight crew, ATC, agencies, and industry organizations as possible to discuss all aspects of this issue, and find solutions.

We will present a community report on impact, safety, security, and our recommendations together with crew guidance. If you’d like to participate, register now.

To contact the organzing team, send a note to

The first call is planned for Wednesday, July 17. Further details on registration.



Participation – how much of my time do you require?

Participate as much or as little as your schedule allows. We’ll have several calls and discussions, but if you can’t make them, no worries. The WorkGroup will be kept updated by regular email summaries and updates. There will be a Slack channel to collaborate, and some shared Google Docs.


WorkGroup Calendar


We’re looking for a couple of volunteers to help with organizing things during the WorkGroup. This is turning into quite a big workgroup already (200+ registrations already), and there will be lots of admin tasks to keep the ball rolling. If you’re good with Google Sheets, organizing info, writing short summaries, organizing people, and that kind of thing .. we would love your help! This would just be “now and then”, when your time allows, during the workgroup which will run from July 17-August 15.

Email if you want to help out – thank you!




More on the topic:

More reading:



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