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We are 9000 strong, and we welcome you! Joining us is simple.


Daily Brief

Every morning, across 18 categories - the latest operational changes in wonderfully simple English.

The famous International Ops Bulletin

Once a week, everything distilled into one short, sharp bulletin.

Airport Spy

Thousands of reports on Handlers, ATC, and Airports from members, much like Trip Advisor.

Safe Airspace

After MH17, we learned we have to share what we know. This is where that happens. The only truly independent summary of airspace risk that exists.


Our ops bot. On your phone. Ask him about an airport, country, or topic and he'll tell you what he knows - permits, weather, trip reports, risks, new procedures.

Slack connect

Thousands of our members use our Slack channels to connect. If you are Marco in Milan and you manage an A330 fleet, then you'll find Bev in Brisbane doing the same thing. She'll help you. And you'll help her. Simple, right?

Go Crow

The only map you'll need to squeeze all the good information out of the group. Tell the crow where you're going and get every bit of operational data we have - Spy reports, ops alerts, airspace warnings, latest changes, permits needed, block time and fuel.

Lucky Star Chicken

Have you tried the Goat Curry? Members get confirmed seating at the now internationally famous Lucky Star Chicken Restaurant of Berlin. Not everything is as it seems in OpsGroup.

Ops Alerts

Ops Alerts are Level 1 (big deal) or Level 2 (you should know). Get them on your phone, in slack, or in the Dashboard.

My First Flight (and other good reads)

When the feds make life tough, we simplify the rules. We write very simple guides for members, like "My First North Atlantic Flight is Tomorrow".

Magic Maps

Picture, 1000 words. Map, even better. We love making them. Members get all of them for nada. NAT Plotting Chart. Airspace Risk Map. World Permit Map. And so on.

Dashboard and emails (but not too many)

There's a ton of stuff here, so you get a neat Dashboard to manage it all. Log in and you'll see all the changes on the front page. You also get personal emails with Level 1 alerts, the Daily Brief, Weekly Bulletin, and Member Mail.


We'll help you find your voice to do two important things - help others by sharing what you know, and make change happen. All members get an equal say.

Questions answered

Is Iran safe to overfly? Can I operate a G650 to Antarctica? Which airport in Singapore is better suited to a charter flight? What's needed for a ramp check in Vienna? An answer you can trust always comes from real people that have done it before.

Help solve BIG problems

As a valued member of the group, you can help make the aviation world better. We've created SafeAirspace to ensure no operator is left behind in risk awareness. We're Fixing NOTAMs. We dig deep into improving flight operations for everyone.

Give, and receive

When you join the group, we just ask one thing. When you know something that others should know, you share. In return for this promise, you get a long list of very very awesome things!

Apply for OPSGROUP membership

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Who is OPSGROUP for? And what do they say?

OPSGROUP is the heart of International Flight Operations. Most of us are pilots, dispatchers, schedulers, controllers, and technical specialists.

5 people that are members of OPSGROUP …

  • Tim flies a shiny new Gulfstream 650, and is based in Hartford, but visits every continent. He’s part of a small pilot group, and keeping up with what’s new is tough. Seems like there’s more stuff each year. He relies on OPSGROUP to tell him what’s important, whether that’s getting across the North Atlantic, or figuring out what airport in Singapore is the best one to use.
  • Eric is a Flight Dispatcher for a large airline. He’s the first to read the OPSGROUP Daily Brief each morning, so he’s the one that the office managers usually turn to for help on new topics.
  • Alex is a pilot on the A380 at Air France. This machine can fly for 15 hours, which means crossing 25 countries and therefore getting a briefing package the size of a Sears Catalogue. OPSGROUP allows him to just get the critical stuff, so he has a running start at understanding the challenges that might pop up on this flight.
  • Cathy works at the Civil Aviation Authority in the UK. It’s just as hard for them to keep up with developments in international aviation that affect them, so she keeps a watchful eye on the Weekly Bulletin to see what’s new.
  • Philippe is in the Operations Control Center at the national airline of Angola. They operate to lots of places in Africa, but also abroad, and getting to read reports from other members on N’Djamena and Nairobi helps him keep their aircraft, crew, and passengers safe

We have regular OPSCHATS for members, and you might like to check out one of the recent ones below …



OPSGROUP is exactly what I didn't know I needed, but had been searching for over the last ten years! I have no doubt that OPSGROUP will find new ways to make international flight operations safer through the collaborative exchange of critical information. Bravo!

Richard BuergelNETJETS, Director Flight Technical

OPSGROUP is a must have for any flight department conducting operations to remote or international destinations.

David WilsonBoeing

OPSGROUP is an excellent first resource to go to when beginning ops in unfamiliar areas of the planet. Great job presenting pertinent and timely information critical to legal, safe and efficient operations. You continuously improve your content and presentation. Well done OPSGROUP!

Mike GibsonFEDEX

In this fast-paced, ever changing industry, receiving information from other airlines / users / operators that may potentially affect our operation is of great benefit to us. If we haven’t identified the problem already, OPSGROUP may have.

Fergus Flanagan, Manager Flight DispatchUnited Airlines

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